My 3rd beauty salon is about to be launched!
Long story short: I realised that 2 beauty spots started to be not enough considering the queue for our services. Wednesday morning (4 days ago !) I discovered a nice spot for rent in a good location, the next day we signed the rental contract and I provided trainings to new employees and yesterday all the furniture and decorations were already there (thanks to my husband who made it extremely efficiently). And next Wednesday we already have at least 5 clients ! so it takes 7 days from the moment when I saw the nice space for rent to going live.

This launch will be not just fast but also experimental since 2 days after the « launch » I'm leaving to Switzerland for 4 weeks, so trial mode will be fully autonomous. This is all about the circumstances, but I find this situation even challenging in a good way - if I can do a launch within 1 week and make it suistainanle, it gives huge extra scores to our model of franchise which aims to have this as a side business.
APRIL, 08 / 2023